Liebster Awards!

12:38 PM Montse Bee 8 Comments

Okay this is so cool! I've been nominated for a Liebster Award! Thanks to Sola from LifeStoned Adventures.

The Liebster Awards it's a cool networking style to notice and give exposure to up & coming blogs + you get to know the bloggers a lil' bit more!

The rules for the nominee are really nice and easy!  

1. Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog in your Liebster Award post. 
2. Copy and paste the award badge into your post. 
3. Answer the 10 questions you were given when you were nominated.
4. Come up with 10 questions you would like to ask of your nominees.
5. Nominate 10 bloggers who have less than 200 followers, by commenting on one of their blog posts with a link to your Liebster Award post, and a short message about nominating them.
Here it is my little interview with Sola's questions.

1. Name
Montserrat Bueno.

2. Location

At the moment living in México City.

3. Give us the lowdown on your blog

Beachy Bones it's an lifestyle adventure blog I started working on again after my 25th birthday, it involves everything, from personal posts, holidays, DIY, adventure, it's pretty cool actually. Haha.

4. How long have you been blogging? 

I've been blogging since 2013, it's been a long road, with some stops along the way but we keep moving!

5. What's your biggest source of inspiration? 

I could say my style + dreams + tumblr. 

6. What's your blogging process like?

I spend almost 24/7 online, so creating and thinking of some cool ideas to post about it's easy, I like to start by creating the art then go on with my writting.

7. How do you get over writers block?

Listen to some Taylor Swift and voilà!

8. What do you do for fun (When you're not blogging?) 

I like to eat pizza in the city and go horseback riding. (I'm a rider)

9. Give us three major things from your bucket list.

1. Be my own Boss
2. Live in Australia for a while
3. Fall inlove (CHEESY)

10. Give us some Life advice. 

Give'em hell kid.

& now my awesome 10 nominees (Who you must follow because, you'll see) for the Liebster Awards are:

Of Preps and Pearls
Caity Says
Call It Adventure
Happy Fridays Party
Lace n Ruffles
Miss Getaway
Running on Clean
My 2morrows
Small Paper Things

+ 10 question interview

Mention three words that best describe you.
What was the biggest obstacle you encountered while blogging?  
Describe a day in your life.
What inspires you?
If you weren't a blogger what else would you be doing?
Who do you look up to?
What's your dream job?
Hey! Let us know your Guilty Pleasure.
You are fluent in... 
Favorite song to jam at the moment. 

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  1. OMG! HAHAHA thank you beautiful and congrats!!! (happyfridaysparty)

    1. Aww thank you! I hope you like this interview :D

  2. Aww thank you so much fornthe nomination. I Loved your answers and learning more about you too! Xx

    1. Awesome :D thank you! Hope you have sometime too so we can all know you better! <3

  3. Thank you so much doll!!!! I adore your blog and am now subscribed!

    1. Well I think I died a lil' bit inside haha thank youu <3!!

  4. Thanks a lot for nominating me. Cannot wait to answer these questions :)
