What about the bling bling?
Okay. So it's been more than a month, and it´s time to talk business. Yes dearests, about the money honey.Living by yourself it ain't easy. It comes with huge responsibility of you and your house, and expenses, and everything.
My first month here, and I am already done with my money. I forgot i had to do laundry, buy medicine, running shoes (hehe) and food. I was planning to live out of water and rice. Didn't work, don´t try it guys.
So I recommend you to do a HUGE list of your expenses, everything and include a lil' thing called "Emergency".
Food, Medicine, transportation, snacks, self hygiene,clothes,accessories, hang outs...everything, and plan what are you going to spend on each and do not go over that amount. That way you won't have to worry about not having money. Of course, don't go around buying stuff that you don't need...it will be helpful to your economy.
Learn to administrate your $$$, and life will be easier. Believe me.